Emilnick Iron Works

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Emilnick Iron Wks
32 Astoria Ave
Astoria L. I.

Precious little I can tell you about the Emilnick Iron Works. This company was listed in Brooklyn/Queens telephone directories from 1924 to 1931. They were located at 32 Fulton Ave. (1924-26), Halsey & Franklin Sts. (1927-30), and 3-01 27th Ave. (1931). These are possibly different names for the same location, reflecting street name changes in Queens County in the 1920s. 32 Astoria Ave. is probably the same as 32 Fulton Ave. Halsey St. was renamed 3rd St., and Franklin St. was changed to 27th Ave. The surname, Emilnick, is quite rare, and one wonders if the company were composed of two men whose first names were Emil and Nicholas...

This ad for Emilnick appeared in the Daily Star, Long Island City, 29 August 1931. The ad gives their address as corner of Halsey & Franklin Sts. The telephone number AStoria 8-8236 was their number in 1931. The 1920s's form was ASToria-8236.

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